
Plant Lists (click on the list name to download)

Short Native Shrubs for Gardens

Medium Size Native Shrubs for Gardens

Large Native Shrubs and Small Trees for Gardens

Plants for Monarch Waystations

Native Plants for Shade

Native Plants for a Ground Cover Layer

Native Perennial Flowers for Pollinator Gardens

Beautifying a Traffic Median with Native Plants

Recommended Reading

Bringing Nature Home by Douglas Tallamy
This is the foundational book of the recent native plant movement. I makes a strong argument for urban natural landscapes planted with natives to sustain the diversity and abundance  of flora and fauna in the human environment.

Nature’s Best Hope by Douglas Tallamy. A refinement of the author’s earlier argument citing new evidence and emphasizing the importance of pollinators.

The Nature of Oaks by Douglas Tallamy. A focus on the tremendous benefits that oaks provide to us, to wildlife and to our environment.

Trees & Shrubs of Kentucky, by Mary E Wharton, Roger W Barbour.
A classic reference.

Wildflowers and Ferns of Kentucky, by Thomas G. Barnes and S. Wilson Francis.

Rare Wildflowers of Kentucky by Thomas G. Barnes, Deborah White, Marc Evans.
Indispensable for anyone interested in Kentucky’s native plants.

Gardening for the Birds, by Thomas G. Barnes.
An easy-to-use guide to transforming your yard into an oasis for urban wildlife.

How to Find and Photograph Kentucky Wildflowers, by Thomas Barnes.

Wildflowers of Tennessee, the Ohio Valley and the Southern Appalachians, by Dennis Horn and Tavia Cathcart.

Native Trees, Shrubs, and Vines by William Cullina.
Growing and Propagating Wildflowers by William Cullina.
Both are excellent sources of information about growing and propagating.